Its around that time when Spring's shows itself with wonderful weeds that some gardens find very annoying. You might have seen this particular early edible weed growing late winter to early spring. This particular plant runs close to the ground in long stretches sticking to almost everything it touches.
Commonly known as Clivers, Goosegrass, Catchweed, Stickyweed, Robin-run-the-hedge, Sticky Willy, Sticky Willow, Velcro Weed, and Grip Grass is an herbaceous annual plant of the family Rubiaceae.
By now you may have realized I'm referring to Cleavers.
Cleavers are abundant in the Spring trailing along in gardens, along fences, and sometimes up a pole. As, I mentioned before Cleavers can be a nuisance for gardeners who are not familiar with its valuable properties.
Cleavers have a slight nutty flavor which is akin to the coffee family is subtle and gentle, It was used by Native Americans as a coffee. Cleavers are known as a blood purifier and helps with eczema and psoriasis as well.
Cleavers (Galium aparine) is an excellent nerve tonic. Cleavers helps to shift stagnation, heat and water retention if you drink 3-5 cups daily.
According to the Indigo Herbs, Cleavers enhances the function of the lymphatic system and improves its ability to flush out toxins, decrease congestion and reduce swelling. The lymph-cleansing action of this herb in turn enhances the function of the immune system.
It’s a circle of healing with these trail grabbing vines. Young children have a fascination because they can be pulled and thrown to stick in hair and clothing.
Before, you set out foraging in your yard please make sure of proper identification and make sure your area is free of hazards and toxins before harvesting.
Here's a refreshing and simple recipe below which cleavers can be introduced.
Apple Cucumber Juice
2 cucumbers
2 green apples
2 celery sticks
1 bag spring mix
1 thumb ginger
1/2 lemon
1 handful fresh cleavers*
Juice all the ingredients.
*Items optional I went in my backyard and found some cleavers growing by my pond
The combined ingredients are excellent for detox, inflammation and a nice fresh pick me upper.
Disclaimer: Those subliminal disclaimers are not only to protect you and myself but also keep you blinded however, this is for informational purposes only and not to treat, cure or diagnose. Consult with a physician before using any supplements, vitamins or herbs.
Fig 1 unknown photo credit. Blog written by Author Stephonia Roberts