We are in the beginning of a New Year where the earth has taken her bride Persephone to meet her lover of the underworld Hades. I have always loved this story explaining the changes of seasons. If you haven't heard of the story, please research this unusual love story between earth and the underworld.
During, this time of year it's great for pause and reflection where preparation of new beginnings in the garden brings out creativity.
We put away the tools, pots, and mulch areas for protection from the elements. Bulbs are planted in late fall for blooms and burst of color in the spring.
February in some areas is when seed starting begins indoors or in greenhouses in hopes of spring planting.
There is so much happening all year in the garden adding to its mysteries, beauty and harvest. It takes a lot keeping a garden. A lot of patience, ups and downs, trials and errors. But, most of all the hard work of those who are passionate about gardening. This is how the garden grows everchanging from year to year because of the volunteers.
Spring is around the corner making herself known throughout the garden with the first sign of red tulips bursting amongst white hyacinths. Also, not forgetting the wild side of herbaceous plants such as cleavers and chickweed grasping and vining its way to say, " Here we are in good soil"! As gardeners in the South make haste with seed starters, grow lamps, and the anxiety of a cat caught in a crackle barrel we are anxiously awaiting the clarion call of gardening.
Remembering an old nursery rhyme How does your garden grow? With silverbells and cockle Shells, and pretty maids all in a row. Brings to mind a beautiful garden. Even though, the poem has possibly religious sentiments it is befitting as a gardener to enjoy the beauty that comes with gardening. And the Garden of Eve Project grows with the help of our volunteers.
photo and story by Stephonia Roberts from The Garden of Eve Project.
Try to name the plants showing without looking at the list below.
What's growing in the picture? Lamb's Quarters, Wood Sorrell, Pink Oxalis, purple heart, variegated vinca, elm tree, and collards.